Last Thursday, 9th February the Conservative Administration on Suffolk County Council passed its 2017/18 budget delivering on its promise of 0% increase in Base Council tax.
The Labour Group tabled a motion which was soundly defeated. Councillors across the chamber branded the amendment as ‘Financially Dangerous’ as it would see all the Councils usable reserves (£48m) exhausted with two years. This would leave have left the Council with no ability to support those most vulnerable or invest in the people of Suffolk.
Ipswich Borough Council ‘twin hatters’ were asked why they are not calling to spend reserves at the borough council (which amount to an amazing 54% of their budget) but no answers were forthcoming.
There were no amendments put forward from the Lib Dem, Green or UKIP Groups. In fact the leader of the Liberal Democrats did not bother to attend what is arguably the most important Council meeting of the year.
Suffolk County Council have along with Council’s across the Country decided to implement the 3% Adult Social Care Precept. This money is ring-fenced and will solely be spent on Adult Social Care helping to bring front line workers on the lowest wage up to the welcomed newly increased National Living Wage.
Suffolk Conservatives continue to deliver high quality services and achieve savings targets without burdening the taxpayer with additional bills. Caring for the most vulnerable remains one of our top priorities, which is shown in our 207/18 budget.