After listening to the views and needs of the people of Suffolk the Conservative Administration at Suffolk County Council launches it's new Community Transport Service.
The changes will bring a positive difference to communities, providing residents with a single phone number for each area. The whole county is covered so there are no longer any areas where there may have been gaps in service. We've worked hard on our approach throughout this service transformation, engaging with range of people and organisations including those who currently provide services. This has helped us develop these new service contracts. The people who have been supplying these services have told us what is needed, not the other way around. As part of this project, we took into account the needs of all residents who use these services to ensure there will be no issues with access, particularly for elderly and disabled residents.
This excellent new service demonstrates that despite a difficult financial climate the Conservative Administration is achieving savings and improving service delivery through sound financial management, robust contracts and listening to what people really want their services to deliver. Labour have misled the public through a series of petitions designed to scaremonger. Their recent budget proposals would see the Council bankrupt within three years, decimating these services that the most vulnerable rely on and hiking Council Tax year on year. Suffolk Conservatives are leading the way, improving services whilst reducing their costs and safeguarding the most vulnerable in our society.