Peter has served the residents of Great Cornard for over 36 years on local councils. Over the years he has campaigned for the Sudbury Bypass; the New Health Centre; new Thomas Gainsborough School; better infrastructure throughout Cornard; pedestrian crossings; and road re-surfacing to Phillips Field Road.
To date, using his locality funding, he has supported local clubs and organisations (scouts, girl-guides, Royal British Legion, lunch club, church organisations, Parish Council, football and cricket clubs, Riverside walks and Country Park, plus many others here in great Cornard) to around £125,000 over the years.
For leisure/environment, Peter provided signage for the Riverside Walks and Country Park information. He recently provided a Parish Council with funding for the new defibrillator at the Stevenson Centre. Using his Highways locality budget, Peter has earmarked a total of £13,448 to be matched by the Parish Council, for road repairs and to solve the flooding problems in the Stevenson Centre Approach Road.
Peter continues his campaign to improve car parking facilities here in Great Cornard and Sudbury. He is also very focal on a new replacement site in the Sudbury/Cornard area for a new split-level household recycling centre.